關於英文的被動語態,許多專家學者皆提出批評,建議寫作者多使用主動語態而少用被動語態,因為被動語態容易造成語句累贅、語意不清等效果。然而,許多學者也提出被動語態有其適當的使用時機,若使用得當,可以讓文章表達更到位且流暢。筆者綜合許多知名原文寫作書籍,包含 《The elements of style》、《Style: Ten lessons in clarity and grace》、《The craft of research》、《Stylish academic writing》、《Writing tools: 55 essential strategies for every writer》、《On writing》、《The complete plain words》等書籍,整理出被動語態二個主要的使用時機,包含「當動作接受者為關注的主題時」、「為了增加語意的流暢性時」,而究竟何時適合使用被動語態為本文討論的主題,接下來筆者將進行更詳細的說明。
1. “Use the Active Voice” — Strunk & White, The Elements of Style
2. “You should avoid the passive tense” — Stephen King, On Writing
3. “Never use the passive where you can use the active.” — George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”
4. “Avoid the passive, except when you shouldn’t” — Mark Liberman, “Hating on hating on the passive voice”, The Economist
因為被動語態常常省略了動作執行者,而造成了語意模糊不清、不完整、迂迴、缺乏生命力、語句疲弱、累贅等效果,如 《Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary》的〈5 Writing Rules Destroyed by the Dictionary〉當中提到的:
“Mistakes were made”
此簡短的語句省略了犯錯的人是誰,輕描淡寫事情的原委,有逃避責任、道歉不真誠的嫌疑。儘管被動語態有如此的缺點,《Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage》提到被動語態仍然有其用處與重要性,是動詞不可缺少的用法。
(一) 動作接受者為關注的主題:
1. The president was rumored to have considered resigning.
2. Those who are found guilty can be fined.
3. Valuables should not be left in unlocked cars.
4. The president was reelected with 54 percent of the vote.
5. Fruits and vegetables are usually picked when they are freshest.
6. Eighteen bodies were found in the community of San Miguel Lostes, according to the disaster agency.
7. This word has been greatly overused; the reader is dissatisfied with being told only what is not; he wishes to be told what is.
8. No one wants to get their private life discussed by the newspapers.
當我們主要討論的主題為動作的接受者時,動作接受者的重要性大於動作執行者,我們就可以使用被動語態讓它成為句子的主詞,放在句首以強調它。如《The elements of style》當中的例句:
“Modern readers have little esteem for the dramatists of the Restoration.”
當使用主動語態時,此句的主詞為動作執行者 Modern readers,強調的為讀者,因此當代讀者的閱讀品味可能是其討論的主題,而此主題可能出現再當代文學評論當中。但若將這句改寫成被動語態:
“The dramatists of the Restoration are little esteemed today.”
使用的主詞轉為動作接受者 The dramatists of the Restoration,王政復辟時期的劇作家成了此句主要探套的對象,此主題則可能出現在歐洲歷史研究當中。因此,主動語態和被動語態的使用會造成強調的主題的不同,一個句子該使用主動語態或被動語態應視其強調的主題而定,將強調的主題放在主詞的位置。
1. “Eye movements were measured at tenth- of- second intervals”
2. “The virus strains most likely to cause disease are identified and three are selected for vaccine development.”
被動語態造成的被動感、無力感、無能為力感也常常適合用來描述「受害者」。如 Jeff Elder 在 《 Charlotte Observer 》寫的:
“Enormous roosts were gassed from trees….They were shipped to market in railcar after railcar….In one human generation, America’s most populous native bird was wiped out.”
文中使用被動語態描寫此種鳥類為「受害者」,成為了被消滅的對象,表現出此種鳥類無能為力的感受;也如 Paulo Freire 的 《Pedagogy of the Oppressed》寫到:
“The teacher teaches and the students are taught; the teacher thinks and the students are thought about; the teacher disciplines and the students are disciplined.”
“By early 1945, the Allies had essentially defeated Germany; all that remained was a bloody climax. American, French, British, and Russian forces had breached its borders and were bombing it around the clock. But they had not yet so devastated Germany as to destroy its ability to resist.”
“By early 1945, Germany had essentially been defeated; all that remained was a bloody climax. Its borders had been breached, and it was being bombed around the clock. It had not been so devastated, however, that it could not resist.”
(二) 增加語意的流暢性:
根據《Style: Ten lessons in clarity and grace》當中提出的原則,讀者習慣「從較熟習的舊訊息讀到較不熟悉新訊息」、「從較短較簡單的訊息讀到較長較複雜的訊息」。被動語態可以達到與倒裝句類似的效果,也就是把句子中主詞與受詞的位置對調,透過這個方式來達成前述的原則,讓語意更流暢。
首先筆者將討論如何使用被動語態來達成「從舊訊息到新訊息」的原則,當句子當中較舊的訊息在句尾時,我們可以使用被動語態將之移到句首,以符合從舊訊息到新訊息的原則,以增加語句的流暢性,如《 The craft of research》當中的例句:
“The quality of our air and even the climate of the world depend on healthy rainforests in Asia, Africa, and South America. But the increasing demand for more land for agricultural use and for wood products for construction worldwide now threatens these forests with destruction.”
此段文字第一句句尾的受詞是 rainforests, 但第二句句首的主詞卻是上一句未出現過的新訊息 the increasing demand, 忽然接到一個陌生的新訊息容易阻礙讀者閱讀的流暢性。第二句若改成被動語態,可以將第二句句尾的舊訊息 rainforests 移到句首與第一句聯接,新訊息 the increasing demand 移到句未,以達到舊訊息到新訊息的原則,讓讀者閱讀上更為流暢,如:
“The quality of our air and even the climate of the world depend on healthy rainforests in Asia, Africa, and South America. But these rainforests are now threatened with destruction by the increasing demand for more land for agricultural use and for wood products used in construction worldwide.”
“Research demonstrating the soundness of our reasoning and the need for action supported this decision.”
此句的主詞為 Research demonstrating the soundness of our reasoning and the need for action ,是屬於較長較複雜的主詞,如果讀者遲遲未看到主要動詞,可能在語句結構的理解上會較困難,這時若使用被動與態將此較長的主詞從句首移到句尾的位置,讓簡短的 the decision 當主詞,符合從較短較簡單的訊息讀到較長較複雜的訊息的原則,將讓讀者更容易理解此語句表達的資訊,如:
“This decision was supported by research demonstrating the soundness of our reasoning and the need for action.”
Strunk, W. (2007). The elements of style. Penguin.
Clark, R. P. (2008). Writing tools: 55 essential strategies for every writer. Little, Brown Spark.
Booth, W. C., Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., Colomb, G. G., Williams, J. M., & Williams, J. M. (2003). The craft of research. University of Chicago press.
Williams, J. M., & Nadel, I. B. (1989). Style: Ten lessons in clarity and grace (pp. 22–23). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Sword, H. (2012). Stylish academic writing. Harvard University Press.
邱崇賢. (2015). 文法會說話. 國立臺灣大學出版中心.