英文段落寫作:支持句 (supporting sentence)

2 min readJan 2, 2022


在英文文章中,一個段落 (paragraph) 通常包含三部分:主題句 (topic sentence)、支持句 (supporting sentence)、結論句 (concluding sentence)。

在介紹完主題句之後,小編今天接著來介紹支持句 (supporting sentence)。


主題句一:Hunters kill elephants for their valuable ivory tusks, and they must be stopped.

支持句一:In fact, approximately 50 elephants are killed in Africa every day.

主題句二:Automobile insurance has a number of benefits, including emergency towing service.

支持句二:A quick phone call is all it takes to have the broken-down car taken to a mechanic.

主題句三:Cell phones allow parents to stay in better contact with their children.

支持句三:As long as a child’s cell phone is turned on, a parent can reach a child at any time.

一個段落的支持句 (supporting sentence) 支持與發展該段落主題句 (topic sentence) 中的主旨 (main idea), 提供更多該主題的相關資訊 (如提供細節來解釋主旨,或是提供證據來證明主題句提出的看法)。

支持句在一個段落中的位置通常在主題句 (topic sentence) 之後,結論句 (concluding sentence)之前。

須特別留意的是支持句不應包含與主題句無關的內容,以達到段落的一致性 (unity)。

不同種類的支持句有著不同的目的,包含解釋 (explain)、描述 (describe)、提供原因 (give reasons)、提供事實 (give facts)、舉例 (give examples)、提供引語 (give quotations) 等,如下:

1. 解釋 (Explain)

主題句:There are many support services for students at the university.

支持句:Since many college students experience at least some level of stress, counselors are always available to help them.

2. 描述 (Describe)

主題句:The Platte River is an extremely important area for migratory birds such as sandhill cranes.

支持句:This rich, natural environment provides the birds with a safe place to rest before continuing on their lengthy journey.

3. 提供原因 (Give reasons)

主題句:Note taking is one of the most useful study skills to learn.

支持句:Reviewing good notes before a test will help students learn the most important information.

4. 提供事實 (Give facts):可以使用個人經驗、引用研究資料、統計數據等。

主題句:Jogging is not as easy as it appears.

支持句:More than 20 percent of adults cannot run farther than 100 meters without stopping to rest.

5. 舉例 (Give examples)

主題句:Brazil has several key natural resources.

支持句:Brazil is a leading producer of cocoa, sugarcane, and soybeans.

6. 提供引語 (Give quotations):引用權威、專家學者的說法更具說服力。

主題句:Flipped classroom are better than traditional classrooms

for high school students.

支持句:”Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” stated Benjamin Franklin.

不同類型的支持句有著不同的效果,不同類型與目的的文章適合使用不同類型的支持句,如敘述文 (narrative essay) 和描寫文 (descriptive essay) 通常適合使用描述和細節做支持;論說文 (argumentative essay) 通常適合使用事實、數據、證據做支持;說明文 (expository essay) 通常適合舉出許多的例子做支持。此外,在同一篇文章中交錯使用不同類型的支持句也可以達到不同的效果,如在論說文中除了使用確鑿的證據外,偶爾也可以穿插一下自己的經驗、想法、或舉例,讓文章不會太枯燥乏味。

若要發展支持句,可以從主題句的一些面相來思考,像是誰 (Who)?What (什麼)?Where (哪裡)?When (何時)?Why (為何)?How (如何)?來幫助構思支持句的內容。

References: Longman Academic Writing Series, Great Writing, Steps to Writing Well




Written by Jacky


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