轉換視野好用片語:look back, look ahead, look beyond, back then

4 min readAug 1, 2021


小編今天來分享幾個好用的片語 “look back, look ahead, look beyond, back then”,用 Look 來表達視野的轉換,可以把自己提升到一個較高的位置,以一個更宏觀的視野來看待議題,是表達觀點好用的後設論述 (Metadiscourse) ,可以藉此表達出自己宏觀的格局與獨特的見解。

1. look back: 回顧,回首,回頭看

Looking back from today’s vantage point, we wonder if we should have done things differently, paying more attention to economic growth. — The Wall Street Journal

說明:這個範例使用 Looking back 表達從現在的位置與角度回首過往,將自己提升到一個較高之處,才能以較廣的觀點看清楚事情的全貌,以對過去作回顧與檢討。


→ Looking back, she finds certain parallels between her childhood dreams and her current vocation.

→ Looking back on the colonial history of Hong Kong, we cannot see any instance of Hong Kong people being allowed to vote decisively on any crucial issue.

→ Looking back on my life, I could have never imagined being where I am now and sometimes I wonder how I ended up here. It is not something I would have ever planned for, nor would have dreamed could happen.

2. look ahead : 展望未來

One cannot paint a picture of the American polity and the country’s future foreign policy without including the significant possibility of a large role for Trumpism, with or without Trump himself in the Oval Office. {Looking ahead} four years, America watchers must anticipate that the next U.S. presidential election could turn out quite differently. This does not bode well for U.S. interests and influence in world politics. As Mark Leonard, the director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, observed, “If you know that whatever you’re doing will at most last until the next election, you look at everything in a more contingent way.” — Foreign Affairs

說明:相對於 Looking back 是往後看而回首過往,Looking ahead 是往前看而展望未來。這個範例使用 Looking ahead 來表達對於未來的展望,對於未來藍圖的想像與預測,展現出所謂的遠見,從對於未來的預測來決定與規劃現在該怎麼做,因為現在的理念與行為皆可能對未來的政局造成深遠的影響。


→ Looking ahead, we expect demand in the metals’ markets in which we operate to increase gradually as the global economy continues its modest recovery.

→ Looking ahead, we will continue to actively take forward with the Taiwan side the cooperation on other fronts such as medical and health cooperation, avoidance of double taxation on shipping income, and insurance supervision cooperation.

3. look beyond:看得更遠

The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution on the report of Special Rapporteur Dick Marty on the inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo. We hope that appropriate legal means can be found to establish the truth, devoid of politicization, in a way that meets the expectations of Kosovars and achieves justice for the families of those victims. {Looking beyond} such incidents, we affirm the importance of fighting corruption and of transparency and accountability as the main pillars in building stable institutions and lasting peace. — United Nation Security Council

說明:這個範例提到在科索沃有販賣器官等不人道的事件,範例的後面使用 Looking beyond 來表達若我們看得更深遠,可以看到這些事件背後所反映出的政治透明、負責、正義、打擊貪腐等議題的重要性。


→ Women and Leadership: Looking Beyond the Global Health Crisis — We asked female leaders in crucial disciplines to talk about the role women can have in determining what the world looks like after the pandemic. — The New York Times

→ Looking beyond our own shores, the fact that we have made human rights the overarching theme of our Chairmanship of the Council of Europe speaks for itself.

→ Looking beyond stereotypes and clichéd perceptions, we have sought to highlight the characteristics and positive aspects of a country the size of a continent, and which is destined to become one of tomorrow’s major international players.


4. back then: 回顧當時

At the Republican National Convention, supporters of President Trump’s reelection bid have celebrated his attempts to build a Mexico border wall, his promise to “bring our troops home” and his pledge to end U.S. “reliance on China.” All are components of the “America First” agenda Trump ran on in 2016. {Back then}, he promised to “shake the rust off America’s foreign policy.” Four years later, it’s clearer what this looks like in practice. As a foreign policy analyst, I find Trump’s “America First” vision has had three primary strands: disengaging the U.S. from global politics, disdaining allies and befriending autocratic leaders. ─ The Conversation

說明:這個範例使用 Back then 來回顧過去的某個時間點,四年前的當時,川普在「美國優先」的政策中承諾要抖掉美國外交政策的鐵鏽,而對比四年過後的今天,實際的成果卻是……


→ Back then, Facebook was just starting to gather steam outside of the US, Twitter was still a curiosity reserved for tech-enthusiasts,SinaWeibo did not even exist and the mobile web had yet to truly take off.

→ Back then, we had almost no contact and very few personal connections.

小結:Look 所搭配的這些片語,在表達較大的視野轉換時很好用,可以搭配分詞構句在一開始就指示出視野的轉換,但須注意前後二句是相同的主詞,以免產生懸垂修飾語 (dangling modifier)的問題。

甚至有一本書的書名就叫做《Looking back to see ahead》,以不同的觀點來看待與思考社會議題。小編最後使用 look back 的片語來寫一句自我回顧的體悟:

Looking back from today’s vantage point, I eventually understand the meaning of those things happening in my life that I couldn’t understand before and appreciate them sincerely.



參考資料:《The Wall Street Journal》、《Foreign Affairs》、《United Nation Security Council》、《The New York Times》、 《The Conversation》




Written by Jacky


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