短文 (essay) 是表達寫作者對於一個主題的想法的一群段落,一篇短文通常包含三大部分:開頭 (introduction)、正文 (body)、結論 (conclusion)。
今天筆者將介紹短文的第二部分:正文 (body)。
本文將分為三大部分進行介紹:正文的基本概念、TEEAC 的寫法、正文的組織結構。
短文 (essay) 中的正文 (body) 就像是段落 (paragraph) 中的支持句 (supporting sentences),段落中的支持句用以支持主題句 (topic sentence) 中的主題論述 (controlling idea),短文中的正文則用以支持開頭段落 (introduction) 中全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement)。
一個正文段落的基本結構包含主題句 (topic sentence)、支持句 (supporting sentences)、結論句 (concluding sentence)。主題句指出一個段落的主旨 (main idea) 與目的 (purpose),支持句支持與發展該段落主題句中的主旨,結論句標示段落的結束,並提醒讀者此一段落的重點 (一個段落未必須包含結論句)。正文段落的寫法大致上就是一般段落的寫法 (開頭與結尾的段落由於其位置的功能,與一般段落的寫法稍有不同),更詳細的介紹說明請參考筆者英文段落寫作的文章 (https://s-68544.medium.com/)。
須特別留意的是文章的一致性 (unity)。每個段落只能討論一個論點 (全文主題的某一面向或特別關注的焦點),所有內容都須與該段落的主題句相關,若有另一個論點則需要獨立出另一個段落進行論述,以達到段落主題的一致性。而從整篇短文來看,正文段落的每個主題句雖然有著不同的論點和討論的面向,但都要支持全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),以達到全文主旨的一致性。
Thesis statement: Societies should not rely only on electronic systems for voting because elections cannot be trusted to computers.
Body 1 topic sentence: Several countries still use a traditional system of voting, and it provides a crucial foundation for ensuring fairness.
Body 2 topic sentence: Today, however, voters cannot be sure whether electronic voting systems are reliably counting their votes.
Body 3 topic sentence: If a government decides to use an electronic voting system, it should ensure that all voters receive receipts for their votes that could then be collected for subsequent verification.
TEEAC 的寫法:
筆者在此提出正文段落更深入具體的寫法 — TEEAC 結構供參考。正文段落又可以將支持句 (supporting sentences) 進一步分為解釋 (explaination)、證據舉例 (evidence/example)、分析評述 (analysis/comment) 等部分。因此一個正文的段落就可以分為主題句 (topic sentence)、解釋 (explaination)、證據舉例 (evidence/example)、分析評述 (analysis/comment)、總結連結 (concluding sentence/link) 等部分,分別說明舉例如下:
1. 主題句 (topic sentence):指出此一段落的主旨與論點,支持全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),主題句的內容需要適合在一個段落中充分發展,舉例如下:
Topic sentence: One of the main obstacles to reaching international consensus on climate change action is the ongoing debate over which countries should shoulder the burden.
2. 解釋 (explanation): 對主題句做更詳細的解釋,可以進一步說明其重要性、提供一些背景資訊或該領域中的概念、定義重要的術語等。 若該段落主題句中的主旨與全文主旨陳述的關聯仍不夠清楚,則可以在此進一步說明解釋,舉例如下:
Explanation: Because the developed world has historically been responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, it has been argued that they should reduce emissions and allow developed nations to prioritize development over environmental concerns (Vinuales, 2011).
3. 證據舉例 (evidence/example): 舉例說明、引用證據、具體的細節 (而非模糊、籠統的陳述) 來支持這一個段落主題句的論點,舉例如下:
Evidence/example: The notion of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’ (CBDR) was formalized in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (UNFCCC, 1992). Article 3.1 explicitly states ‘Accordingly, the developed country Parties should take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof’ (p. 4).
說明:解釋完主題句後,此一段落接著引用聯合國 1992 年會議條款中「共同但差異的責任」(CBDR) 的概念為證據,支持已開發國家應主導對抗氣候變遷的論點。
4. 分析評述 (analysis/comment): 寫作者對於自己提出的證據做評述,說明解釋此一段落提供的證據是如何支持此一段落主題句的論點並做討論,舉例如下:
Analysis/comment: However, because CBDR outlines a principle and not an actionable plan it has remained problematic. For example, it does not stipulate the extent to which, under the principle of CBDR, developing nations should be exempt from specific emissions targets. This has continued to be a point of contention in global negotiations on climate change, with developed countries such as the USA arguing that developed nations should do more to reduce emissions (Klein et. al., 2017).
說明:寫作者接著對於前述的證據做評析,他認為「共同但差異的責任」(CBDR) 只是原則而非可行的計畫,而造成了開發中國家的責任不清楚明確的問題。這也就是主題句哪個國家該擔起責任的爭論此一主題具體的問題所在。一個段落中可以提供許多的證據舉例與對其進行的分析評述以對其論點做充分的支持與說明解釋。
5. 總結連結 (concluding sentence/link): 重述此一段落的主旨 (main idea) 或論點,並連結到整篇短文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),做此一段落的結語,舉例如下:
Concluding sentence/link: Fairness and equity need to be pursued in reaching a global agreement on climate change, but transforming this into an actionable strategy is problematic.
此一正文段落 TEEAC 的寫法較為深入,特別適合用在分析型的學術論文中。
正文的組織結構 (patterns of organization):
不同類型的短文有不同的組織結構方式,正文段落組織結構常見的安排方式包含按事件發生的時間順序(chronological order)、按照空間的順序 (the order of space)、比較與對比 (compare/contrast)、列點論述 (logical division of ideas) 等。按照時間順序敘述常用在敘事文 (narration) 來敘述故事、歷史事件發展、不同階段 (stage) 的發展,或像是說明書用在敘述流程 (process) 的步驟;按照空間描寫常用在描寫文 (description) 來描寫物體或環境,如由左到右、由上到下、由前到後、由裡到外等;比較與對比的方式常用在說明文 (exposition) 或論說文 (argumentation) 來比較事物的異同。
列點論述 (logical division of ideas) 則是短文寫作最基本的安排方式,常用在說明文 (exposition) 或論說文 (argumentation),分別使用不同的正文段落來說明討論文章的各個重點, 常用來列點論述一個主題的原因、種類、特質、方法、優缺點等,例如解釋通貨膨脹的三個原因、好老師的三個特質等,至於列點的順序則可以依照該主題的功能性來安排或是按照點的重要性來安排。在論說文當中,特別常從最簡單而廣為接受的論點到最複雜而具爭議性的論點做安排,以廣為接受的論點為基礎向前推展,以幫助讀者了解較為獨特的論點並增加其說服力。
在開頭段落的主旨陳述 (thesis statement) 中就可以使用短文地圖 (essay map) 來指出正文將討論的幾個重點,讓讀者在開頭就可以對於全文的重點與組織結構有基本的了解,例如:
Thesis statement: Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to U.S. culture, particularly in the areas of language, art, food, and government.
說明:這個主旨陳述使用 particularly in the areas of 來指出正文將分別從 language, art, food, government 這幾個面向來討論美國原住民對於美國文化的貢獻。
Thesis statement: Young people in my culture have very little freedom not only in their choice of lifestyle but also in their choice of careers.
說明:這個主旨陳述使用 not only…but also…來指出正文將討論的二個重點:their choice of lifestyle 和 their choice of careers。若只要討論二個重點除了 not only…but also…也可以用 both…and…來指出。
Thesis statement: The Father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the human mind had three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego.
說明:這個主旨陳述使用冒號來指出正文將討論的重點:the id, the ego, and the superego。
從另一個方向來說,正文的內容與組織結構也可以從開頭的短文地圖 (essay map) 來發展。舉例來說,若一篇短文的主旨陳述為:
Thesis statement: Because of its free services, well-trained tutors, and useful learning aids, the Study Skills Center is an excellent place for students seeking academic help.
這個主旨陳述指出了 free services, tutors, learning aids 三個重點來說明學習技巧中心是學生很好的資源,接下來的正文就可以分別用三個段落依序來論述 free services, tutors, learning aids,如:
Body 1: discussion of free services
Body 2: discussion of tutors
Body 3: discussion of learning aids
每個正文的段落間需要有適當的轉承與連接以讓文章整體的進行邏輯通順且文意連貫流暢,避免文意的斷裂與邏輯的模糊不清。每個正文的段落通常會在第一句作轉承,舉一篇短文的主旨陳述、正文各段落的主題句、結論的第一句為例來說:(筆者在使用轉承詞 (transition signal) 處用 { }作標示 )
Thesis statement: Smoking has many serious effects
Body 1 topic sentence: {The most obvious effect} is the deterioration of a smoker’s health.
Body 2 topic sentence: {Another effect of this habit} is that smoking breeds halitosis.
Body 3 topic sentence: {In addition to health problems and halitosis}, smoking makes one depressed.
Body 4 topic sentence: {The final effect of smoking} is that it depletes the pocketbook.
Conclusion: {To conclude, the effects of smoking} are many and harmful to people. People who are addicted to smoking should quit the bad habit.
有關轉承 (transition) 的概念與具體的方法請參見筆者之前寫的文章 (https://bit.ly/3unmot5)。
References: Longman Academic Writing Series, Great Writing, Steps to Writing Well