筆者之前已經寫文章分別介紹過短文 (essay) 中的開頭 (introduction)、正文 (body)、結論 (conclusion),本文將複習英文短文寫作的整體概念。
英文短文的組織結構邏輯及其順序與段落 (paragraph) 非常相似,但一篇短文是由數個段落所組成,其篇幅更長、包含的資訊量更多,每個重點都可以分別用一個段落作論述。
短文 (essay) 是表達寫作者對於一個主題的想法的一群段落,一個短文通常包含三大部分:開頭 (introduction)、正文 (body)、結論 (conclusion)。開頭介紹短文的主題與主旨,正文發展此一主題,結論則為此文作總結。不同類型的短文依其特性寫法有所不同,筆者在此僅是介紹一般性的分析型英文短文寫法。
短文的開頭 (Introduction):
一篇短文的開頭 (introduction) 的定位相當於一個段落的主題句 (topic sentence),一個段落中的主題句用以指出該段落的主題與主旨,一篇短文的開頭則用以指出全文的主題與主旨。
開頭 (introduction) 通常是一篇短文的第一段,介紹短文的主題與主旨,並指示出全文組織結構的發展,讓讀者對於該短文有基本的了解。一個篇短文的開頭段落通常包含四個部分:開場白 (lead-in)、背景資訊 (background information)、主旨陳述 (thesis statement)、短文地圖 (essay map)。
The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.
開場白 (lead-in):The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.
說明:開場白作了一個大膽的宣稱指出 Braille 在殘疾歷史中的重要性。
背景資訊 (background information):The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use.
說明:背景資訊介紹 Braille 的定義並勾勒其歷史與社會背景。
主旨陳述 (thesis statement):As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.
說明:主旨陳述指出 Braille 的開創性與意義。
短文地圖 (essay map): This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.
有關短文的開頭 (introduction) 更詳細的說明與範例請參考筆者的文章:https://bit.ly/3tAIOF5
短文的正文 (Body):
短文 (essay) 中的正文 (body) 就像是段落 (paragraph) 中的支持句 (supporting sentences),段落中的支持句用以支持主題句 (topic sentence) 中的主題論述 (controlling idea),短文中的正文則用以支持開頭段落 (introduction) 中全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement)。
寫作者在開頭段落 (introduction) 指出短文的主旨與目的後,接著在正文 (body) 發展、解釋、證明其用以支持全文主旨的論點,使用證據與舉例支持這些論點,正文可能包含好幾個段落,是一篇短文中佔最多篇幅的部分。
一個正文段落的基本結構包含主題句 (topic sentence)、支持句 (supporting sentences)、結論句 (concluding sentence)。主題句指出一個段落的主旨 (main idea) 與目的 (purpose),支持句支持與發展該段落主題句中的主旨,結論句標示段落的結束,並提醒讀者此一段落的重點 (一個段落未必須包含結論句)。
正文段落的寫法大致上就是一般段落的寫法 (開頭與結論的段落由於其位置的功能,與一般段落的寫法稍有不同),更詳細的介紹說明請參考筆者英文段落寫作的文章 (https://s-68544.medium.com/)。
須特別留意的是文章的一致性 (unity)。每個段落只能討論一個論點 (全文主題的某一面向或特別關注的焦點),所有內容都須與該段落的主題句相關,若有另一個論點則需要獨立出另一個段落進行論述,以達到段落主題的一致性。而從整篇短文來看,正文段落的每個主題句雖然有著不同的論點和討論的面向,但都要支持全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),以達到全文主旨的一致性。
正文段落更深入具體的寫法可以使用 TEEAC 結構。正文段落又可以將支持句 (supporting sentences) 進一步分為解釋 (explaination)、證據舉例 (evidence/example)、分析評述 (analysis/comment) 等部分。因此一個正文的段落就可以分為主題句 (topic sentence)、解釋 (explanation)、證據舉例 (evidence/example)、分析評述 (analysis/comment)、總結連結 (concluding sentence/link) 等部分。此一正文段落 TEEAC 的寫法較為深入,特別適合用在分析型的學術論文中。
Although the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France. This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources. Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted learning Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009). This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods. Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009). Access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss. It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).
主題句 (topic sentence):指出此一段落的主旨與論點,支持全文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),主題句的內容需要適合在一個段落中充分發展。
Topic sentence: Although the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France.
說明:此一段落的主題句指出此一段落主要討論的是 Braille 這套盲人書寫系統在法國社會的接受度。這個主題句使用了 Although 子句來帶出其背景狀況,且表達出了讓步語氣而讓其論述更強而有力,雖然這套系統已經在巴黎的一些學院被視障學生廣為使用,但它要在整個法國被廣為採用仍需要得到視力正常人士的接受。從開頭段落則可以看到此篇短文的主旨陳述談論的是 Braille 的開創性,其接受度是開創性重要的一環,可見此一段落的主題句與全文的主旨陳述有著清楚的關聯。
解釋 (explanation): 對主題句做更詳細的解釋,可以進一步說明其重要性、提供一些背景資訊或該領域中的概念、定義重要的術語等。 若該段落主題句中的主旨與全文主旨陳述的關聯仍不夠清楚,則可以在此進一步說明解釋。
Explanation: This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources.
證據舉例 (evidence/example): 舉例說明、引用證據、具體的細節 (而非模糊、籠統的陳述) 來支持這一個段落主題句的論點。
Evidence/example: Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009).
說明:解釋完主題句後,此一段落接著引用一篇二手文獻為證據,說明因為觸覺的方式難以學習閱讀,所以很多老師不願接受 Braille 的系統。
分析評述 (analysis/comment): 寫作者對於自己提出的證據做評述,說明解釋此一段落提供的證據是如何支持此一段落主題句的論點並做討論。
Analysis/comment 1: This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods.
說明:寫作者接著對於前述的證據做詮釋與評析,認為這些老師拒絕使用 Braille 系統的現象反映出了社會上對於盲人普遍的態度,也就是盲人需要適應視力正常的人的世界。
Analysis/comment 2: Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009). Access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss.
說明:寫作者接著又引用了另一篇二手文獻為證據,說明了隨著人們對於社會參與和盲人態度的轉變,Braille 系統慢慢地被老師們接受了。接著對此一現象做出詮釋與評析,指出 Braille 系統能增進盲人的閱讀,而增加盲人的生產力、整合力,進而增進盲人的社會參與,符合社會價值與態度的轉變,因此Braille 系統慢慢地被老師們所接受。
總結連結 (concluding sentence/link): 重申此一段落的主旨 (main idea) 或論點,並連結到整篇短文的主旨陳述 (thesis statement),做此一段落的結語。
Concluding sentence/link: It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).
說明:此一段落使用了歷史故事的形式,講述 Braille 系統在法國漸漸被接受的過程。它的結論句指出了這個故事的結果, Braille 系統經過了大約三十年,後來終於在法國被廣泛接受。這個結論句反映了此一段落的主旨,也就是 Braille 系統的接受度的結果,終於在整個國家被廣為接受,此一結果也支持了全文的主旨陳述,彰顯出了Braille 系統的開創性。
不同類型的短文有不同的組織結構方式,正文段落組織結構常見的安排方式包含按事件發生的時間順序 (chronological order)、按照空間的順序 (the order of space)、比較與對比 (compare/contrast)、列點論述 (logical division of ideas) 等。按照時間順序敘述常用在敘事文 (narration) 來敘述故事、歷史事件發展、不同階段 (stage) 的發展,或像是說明書用在敘述流程 (process) 的步驟;按照空間描寫常用在描寫文 (description) 來描寫物體或環境,如由左到右、由上到下、由前到後、由裡到外等;比較與對比的方式常用在說明文 (exposition) 或論說文 (argumentation) 來比較事物的異同。
列點論述 (logical division of ideas) 則是短文寫作最基本的安排方式,常用在說明文 (exposition) 或論說文 (argumentation),分別使用不同的正文段落來說明討論文章的各個重點, 常用來列點論述一個主題的原因、種類、特質、方法、優缺點等,例如解釋通貨膨脹的三個原因、好老師的三個特質等,至於列點的順序則可以依照該主題的功能性來安排或是按照點的重要性來安排。在論說文當中,特別常從最簡單而廣為接受的論點到最複雜而具爭議性的論點做安排,以廣為接受的論點為基礎向前推展,以幫助讀者了解較為獨特的論點並增加其說服力。
在開頭段落的主旨陳述 (thesis statement) 中就可以使用短文地圖 (essay map) 來指出正文將討論的幾個重點,讓讀者在開頭就可以對於全文的重點與組織結構有基本的了解,正文的內容與組織結構也可以從開頭的短文地圖 (essay map) 來發展。
每個正文的段落間需要有適當的轉承與連接以讓文章整體的進行邏輯通順且文意連貫流暢,避免文意的斷裂與邏輯的模糊不清。每個正文的段落通常會在第一句作轉承,舉一篇短文的主旨陳述、正文各段落的主題句、結論的第一句為例來說:(筆者在使用轉承詞 (transition signal) 處用 { }作標示 )
Thesis statement: Smoking has many serious effects
Body 1 topic sentence: {The most obvious effect} is the deterioration of a smoker’s health.
Body 2 topic sentence: {Another effect of this habit} is that smoking breeds halitosis.
Body 3 topic sentence: {In addition to health problems and halitosis}, smoking makes one depressed.
Body 4 topic sentence: {The final effect of smoking} is that it depletes the pocketbook.
Conclusion: {To conclude, the effects of smoking} are many and harmful to people. People who are addicted to smoking should quit the bad habit.
有關短文的正文 (body) 更詳細的說明與範例請參考筆者的文章:https://bit.ly/37aB4Cj
短文的結論 (Conclusion):
結論 (conclusion) 之於一篇短文的定位就像是結論句之於一個段落,一個段落的結論句 (concluding sentence) 為一個段落作結,一篇短文的結論則為整篇短文作結,惟一篇短文中通常會有結論但一個段落中則未必須有結論句。
結論是一篇短文的最後一個段落 (在較長的文章中可能超過一個段落),標示著文章的完成與結束,提醒讀者文章的主旨、重點與其重要性,並表達寫作者對於此一主題總結性的看法與想法。一篇文章的結論幫助讀者複習全文的整體概念、加強主旨的力量,強而有力的結論能讓讀者對於一篇文章留下深刻的印象。文章的結論 (conclusion) 與開頭 (introduction) 都是點出文章主旨的地方,但開頭與結論的寫法相反,開頭的寫法是從廣泛 (general) 到具體 (specific),結論則是從具體到廣泛。
在結論的開頭,有許多轉承詞可以使用來標示結論的段落,如:in conclusion, to summarize, in summary, to sum up, from the information given, as shown in this essay, on the whole, on a final note, given all the factors we have discussed ……。但一般讀者看到文章的最後一段都知道是結論,因此在較短的文章中,這些轉承詞並非必要,反而可能顯得多餘,且某些轉承詞因為被過度使用而顯得生硬、老套、呆版。與其使用這些轉承詞,我們可以在結論的開頭直接重申主旨,讀者就會知道寫作者開始在為文章做結論了,關於更多轉承詞的使用,請參考筆者之前的文章 (https://bit.ly/3mQuhD6)。
(Conclusion: restate the thesis + review and synthesize the main points + show why it matters + make a concluding sentence)
Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not. As technology for the disabled advances, our society may go one step further to equity in the near future.
重申主旨 (restate the thesis):
Thesis statement (introduction): As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.
說明:在開頭的主旨陳述指出 Braille 是第一個為了盲人設計的書寫系統,它不但幫助盲人書寫,也改變了盲人的文化地位。
Restate the thesis (conclusion): Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them.
說明:結尾重申主旨更強調 Braille 造成的文化改變,更具體指出了它改變了人們對待盲人的方式並給予了盲人更多的機會。
複習並串聯全文的重點與脈絡 (review and synthesize the main points): Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness.
說明:在此簡要地複習與串聯正文的重點與脈絡,介紹 Braille 的創新在於從盲人的角度設計閱讀系統,說明它設計與運作的理念是要有視力的教師體會盲人的狀況,因此改變了盲人的社會地位。這段文字的邏輯與文意進行非常連貫流暢。
表明文章主題與主旨的重要性與意義 (show why it matters): New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.
做結語 (make a closing sentence):As technology for the disabled advances, our society may go one step further to equity in the near future.
說明:作者在最後的結語指出對於 Braille 總結性的想法與看法,從 Braille 的使用現況與影響對無障礙工具的未來發展做預測,認為科技的發展將促進社會的公平,帶到了更大的社會議題作結,讓讀者對於此一議題有進一步的思考。
做結語有很多種寫作策略,我們可以依照文章的主題、類型、需求、目的來選擇適合的寫作策略,如對於文章主題新的理解、做預測、指出可能的結果、建議解決方法或呼籲行動 、引用相關的知名引言或權威專家的說法、呼應開頭 、提出引人深思的問題、未來的期許、有待進一步討論或研究的問題與方向等。但也不能流於空泛的漫談,需要有具體的背景脈絡與清楚的邏輯思考。最後強而有力地作結,讓讀者留下深刻的印象,會想要繼續思考此一議題。
此外,寫作結論需要特別留意的是,結論主要做的事是總結全文的主旨與重點,因此不適合再加入新的論點、證據、分析等,那是正文 (Body) 該做的事,若在寫作結論時想到了新的資訊,請將它移到正文的部分。結論須專注在主旨與整體的主要重點,也需避免專注在次要的內容、包含不重要或是偏離主題的內容。
有關短文的結論 (conclusion) 更詳細的說明與範例請參考筆者的文章:https://bit.ly/34kv491
以上複習完短文寫作的基本概念後,以下使用幾篇最典型的五段式短文 (five-paragraph essay) 為例來進行說明 (一段開頭 (introduction) + 三段正文 (body) + 一段結論 (conclusion)),以幫助大家更熟悉短文的寫作概念:
Essay: Academic Success
Introduction: Most college students hope to achieve “academic success,” but they are not sure how to reach this goal. Of course, they know about the importance of note-taking skills and reviewing information before an exam. However, there are other strategies that can help. Juan Rodriguez discovered this in a particularly difficult calculus class. There are three specific strategies that helped him be successful: sitting in the front of the classroom, previewing information, and talking with classmates.
說明:開頭使用矛盾的論述作為開場白來引起讀者的興趣。接著提供背景資訊說明學生可能知道的學習策略包含作筆記和複習考試內容,但有些學習策略可能是學生不知道的。開頭的最後點出全文的主旨陳述,說明 Juan 在微積分課所發現的三個學業成功的策略,包含坐在教室的前面、做預習、和同學請教。此一主旨陳述的寫作方式也暗示了接下來正文內容的進行,接下來的各段落將依序說明坐在教室的前面、做課前預習、和同學請教這三個策略。
Body 1: Choosing to sit in the front of the class was one of his strategies. He had read that students who sit in the front pay more attention and are more engaged. In addition, professors are more likely to notice the students who sit up front. As a result of being closer to the professor, Juan found that he was more likely to participate in class discussions. The best part about this behavior is that it required almost no effort. Juan took the first step toward improving his class performance by simply sitting in the front of the classroom each day.
說明:正文第一段的主題句指出了這一段將說明「坐在教室的前面」的這個策略。接著使用 Juan 閱讀的資訊與經驗做支持,說明「坐在教室的前面」更能專注參與課堂討論,且更能被教授注意到。最後重申「坐在教室的前面」會改善課堂的表現,連結回全文的主旨。
Body 2: Another strategy that led to his increased academic success was previewing the information that the instructor was going to introduce. Juan would go over the new material the day before the lecture and come to class with an idea of that day’s lecture topic. He was more comfortable with the information because it was not new to him. In addition, by previewing the information, Juan was able to write down questions to ask the teacher in class. Coming to class with an idea of that day’s lecture topic and some questions meant that Juan was much more likely to understand the new material.
說明:正文第二段的主題句指出了這一段將說明「做課前預習」的這個策略。接著以 Juan 的經驗說明這個策略具體的細節做支持,這個策略幫助他對於老師上課的內容先有概念並寫下一些問題可以問老師。最後指出「做課前預習」讓 Juan 更容易了解新的課程內容的結果,此一結果也呼應了全文的主旨,能幫助學生學業的成功。
Body 3: Finally, Juan found a classmate who was already good at calculus. By asking for his classmate’s help, Juan received different explanations from those of his instructor. Having this “expert” friend who explained difficult math concepts allowed Juan to process the subject more easily. He soon understood terms like variable and coefficient and was able to work out algebraic problems on his own. Implementing this behavior greatly improved Juan’s understanding of the subject matter and improved his chances of success in the course.
說明:正文第三段的主題句指出了這一段將說明「向厲害的同學請教」的這個策略。接著以 Juan 的經驗說明這個策略具體的細節做支持,透過向同學請教,他得到了許多不同的觀念解釋,讓他更快了解變數 (variable) 與係數 (coefficient) 等專有名詞,能夠自己解出代數問題。最後指出「向同學請教的策略」大幅改善了他對於這個科目的理解的結果,並將此一結果連結到全文主旨,提高了他學業成功的機會。
Conclusion: While many college students work hard to achieve academic success, not everyone knows what it takes to reach this goal. Students can learn and use the simple habits of sitting in the front of the classroom, previewing information, and talking with classmates. If a student makes these adjustments to his or her academic habits, as Juan did, he or she will likely be more successful.
說明:結論先敘述此一主題的背景,指出並非所有想學業成功的學生都知道應該怎麼做,以點出此一問題的重要性,讓這篇文章提供的做法顯出其價值。接著重申其主旨 ,複習作者提出的三種策略 (同時也是各段正文的重點)。最後的結語指出學生若使用這些學習策略,可能會讓自己的學業更成功的結果。
Essay: Separating the Sexes, Just for the Tough Years
Introduction: The middle school years (grades 7 and 8 ) are known to be the “tough years.” These are the years when the uneven pace of girls’ and boys’ physical, emotional, and cognitive development is most noticeable. Girls are ahead of boys on all counts, and both suffer. Educators debate whether separating boys and girls during these difficult years might improve students’ academic performance. Separate classes are now prohibited in public schools that receive federal funds, but a change in the federal law that prohibits them is under consideration. Although some parents and educators oppose same-sex classes, there is some evidence that separating boys and girls in middle school yields positive results.
Body 1: Opponents of single-sex education claim that test scores of students in all-girl or all-boy classes are no higher than those of students in mixed classes (“study”.) However, the research is inconclusive. Despite the fact that some research shows no improvement in test scores, other research shows exactly opposite results (Blum). More importantly, many psychologists believe that test scores are the wrong measuring sticks. They believe that self-confidence and self-esteem issues are more important than test scores. In same-sex classes, girls report increased confidence and improved attitudes toward math and science, for example (“Study”). These are results that cannot be calculated by a test but that will help adolescents become successful adults long after the difficult years of middle school are past. New York University professor Carol Gilligan is certain that girls are more likely to be “creative thinkers and risk-takers as adults if educated apart from boys in middle school” (Gross). Boys, too, gain confidence when they do not have to compete with girls. Boys at this age become angry and fight back in middle school because they feel inferior when compared to girls, who literally “out-think” them. With no girls in the classroom, they are more at ease with themselves and more receptive to learning (Gross).
Body 2: Opponents also maintain that separate classes (or separate schools) send the message that males and females cannot work together. They say that when students go into the work force, they will have to work side-by-side with the opposite sex, and attending all-girl or all-boy schools denies them the opportunity to learn how to do so (“North”). However, such an argument completely ignores the fact that children constantly interact with members of the opposite sex outside school. From playing and squabbling with siblings to negotiating allowances, chores, and privileges with their opposite-sex parent, children learn and practice on a daily basis the skills they will need in their future workplaces.
Body 3: The final argument advanced by opponents of same-sex education is that it is discriminatory and, therefore, unconstitutional. However, research supports exactly the opposite conclusion: that discrimination is widespread in mixed classes. Several studies have shown that boys dominate discussions and receive more attention than girls and that teachers call on boys more often than they call on girls, even when girls raise their hands (“North”). Clearly, this is discriminatory.
Conclusion: It should be evident that the arguments against same-sex classes are not valid. On the contrary, many people involved in middle-school education say that same-sex classes provide a better learning environment. Boys and girls pay less attention to each other and more attention to their schoolwork (Marquez). As one teacher noted, “Girls are more relaxed and ask more questions; boys are less disruptive and more focused” (“North”). Girls are less fearful of making mistakes and asking questions in math and science; boys are less inhibited about sharing their ideas in language and literature. Furthermore, schoolchildren are not disadvantaged by lack of contact with the opposite sex because they have many opportunities outside the school setting to interact with one another. Finally, discrimination occurs in mixed classes, so discrimination is not a valid argument. Therefore, in my opinion, the law prohibited same-sex classes in public schools should be changed.
Essay: Enjoying Your Camping Trip
Introduction: Each year, thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their vacations camping in the great outdoors. Depending on an individual’s sense of adventure, there are various types of camping to choose from, including log cabin camping, recreational vehicle camping, and tent camping. Of these, tent camping involves “roughing it” the most, and with proper planning the experience can be gratifying. Even with the best planning, however, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating experience due to uncontrolled factors such as bad weather, wildlife encounters, and equipment failures.
Body 1: Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day. Even the most adventurous campers can lose some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the skies are dreary and damp. After reaching their destination, campers must then “set up camp” in the downpour. This includes keeping the inside of the tent dry and free from mud, getting the sleeping bags situated dryly, and protecting food from the downpour. If the sleeping bags happen to get wet, the cold also becomes a major factor. A sleeping bag usually provides warmth on a camping trip; a wet sleeping bag provides none. Combining wind with rain can cause frigid temperatures, causing any outside activities to be delayed. Even inside the tent problems may arise due to heavy winds. More than a few campers have had their tents blown down because of the wind, which once again begins the frustrating task of “setting up camp” in the downpour. It is wise to check the weather forecast before embarking on camping trips; however, mother nature is often unpredictable and there is no guarantee bad weather will be eluded.
Body 2: Another problem likely to be faced during a camping trip is run-ins with wildlife, which can range from mildly annoying to dangerous. Minor inconveniences include mosquitoes and ants. The swarming of mosquitoes can literally drive annoyed campers indoors. If an effective repellent is not used, the camper can spend an interminable night scratching, which will only worsen the itch. Ants do not usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite an inconvenience. Extreme care must be taken not to leave food out before or after meals. If food is stored inside the tent, the tent must never be left open. In addition to swarming the food, ants inside a tent can crawl into sleeping bags and clothing. Although these insects cause minor discomfort, some wildlife encounters are potentially dangerous. There are many poisonous snakes in the United States, such as the water moccasin and the diamond-back rattlesnake. When hiking in the woods, the camper must be careful where he steps. Also, the tent must never be left open. Snakes, searching for either shade from the sun or shelter from the rain, can enter a tent. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can prove to be fatal. Run-ins can range from unpleasant to dangerous, but the camper must realize that they are sometimes inevitable.
Body 3: Perhaps the least serious camping troubles are equipment failures; these troubles often plague families camping for the first time. They arrive at the campsite at night and haphazardly set up their nine-person tent. They then settle down for a peaceful night’s rest. Sometime during the night the family is awakened by a huge crash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, they awake and proceed to set up the tent in the rain. In the morning, everyone emerges from the tent, except for two. Their sleeping bag zippers have gotten caught. Finally, after fifteen minutes of struggling, they free themselves, only to realize another problem. Each family member’s sleeping bag has been touching the sides of the tent. A tent is only waterproof if the sides are not touched. The sleeping bags and clothing are all drenched. Totally disillusioned with the “vacation,” the frustrated family packs up immediately and drives home. Equipment failures may not seem very serious, but after campers encounter bad weather and annoying pests or wild animals, these failures can end any remaining hope for a peaceful vacation.
Conclusion: These three types of camping troubles can strike campers almost anywhere. Until some brilliant scientist invents a weather machine to control bad weather or a kind of wildlife repellent, unlucky campers will continue to shake their fists in frustration. More than likely, equipment will continue to malfunction. Even so, camping continues to be a favorite pastime of people all across the United States. If you want camping to be a happy experience for you, learn to laugh at leaky tents, bad weather, and bugs, or you will find yourself frustrated and unhappy.
References: Longman Academic Writing Series, Great Writing, Steps to Writing Well