
6 min readApr 14, 2022


托福、雅思、學測的英文寫作評分標準中都有句型變化的項目。托福英文寫作評分標準中指出「展現句型變化 (demonstrating syntactic variety)」、雅思英文寫作評分標準中指出「使用廣泛的句構且富有彈性與準確性 (uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy)」,學測英文寫作的評分標準在文法句構項目則指出「文句結構富變化」。可見句型變化是英文寫作中的一個重要面向,透過形式來表達內容可以讓文意更加到位、文句更生動精彩。

因此小編特別從一些英文寫作書籍中整理出句型變化具體的方法與範例供參考,如下: (小編在範例的句型變化之處用 { } 作標示)

使用不同結構種類的句子:簡單句、複合句、複雜句、複合複雜句 (雅思寫作評分標準中特別強調複合句的使用)

範例一 (形容詞子句):There’s three other people {who are still to come}.

範例二 (名詞子句):This system may help us find out {whether the teacher teaches well}.

範例三 (副詞子句):He decided to go, {although I begged him not to}.


範例:Why do human beings do these things?


範例:What a beautiful flower it is!

組合長短句,變化句子長度 (短句有強調的效果)

範例一:This was it. The bankers, obviously, had moved in. The effect was electric. Fear vanished and gave way to concern lest the new advance be missed. Prices boomed upward.

範例二:The hatred, the bitterness, the vehemence would not dissipate overnight. Nor would the despondency.


範例一:Aristotle, {the model scientist, the man of cool head and detached observation, unbiased and impersonal}, does not display any dispassionate aloofness in his consideration of reason.

範例二:And it was then, for the first time, that people began to realize that all those harsh, incessant noises which had been such a part of their lives — mill whistles, screeching, wagons clattering over cobblestones, coal trains rumbling past day and night — had stopped.


範例:Plans made without allowance for the intentions of the enemy are liable to miscarry.


範例:So relaxed were these gatherings, so free of the strictures of institutionalized readings, that the listeners (or the reader) could mentally transfer the text to their own time and place.


範例一:It’s the parents who were protesting most.

範例二:What we need to do is get new batteries for it.


範例:At the time of contact with Europeans, Iroquois women produced about 65% of the goods and {the men 35%}.


範例一:It seems that at some point in the development of every culture, human sacrifice becomes unthinkable, and animals are from then on substituted for human victims.

範例二:The doctor consider it necessary that patients keep a balanced diet.

範例三:There is a new canon in today’s literature textbooks. Certain writers appear again and again.


範例:{Having done the work}, I left early.


範例:My Encyclopedia Britannica, {lying on the bookshelf and gathering dust, has seldom been used}.

使用自由修飾語 (free modifier)

範例一 (句首):{Lazy and indifferent, shaking space easily from his wings, knowing his way}, the heron passes over the church beneath the sky.

範例二 (句中):The cows, {chewing their cud}, stand in the field.

範例三 (句末):The snow had come from the north, {in the mist, driven by the night wind, smelling of the sea}.

使用概括修飾語 (resumptive modifier)

範例一:The orchestra gave a beautiful performance, {a performance to commemorate their late conductor, James Crotchet}.

範例二:Edith looked out on the morning, {the soft bright morning that struck her dazzled dazzling eyes}.

使用統合修飾語 (summative modifier)

範例一: Economic changes have reduced Russian population growth to less than zero, {a demographic event that will have serious social implications}.


範例一:{By doing so}, politicians can cover up their misdeeds.

範例二:Discourse analysis is a research method {for studying written or spoken language in relation to its social context}.


範例一:{Every now and then} they’ll have a beer together.

範例二:{Above all}, I’d say I value kindness.


範例:Carmen, {the tragic story of a fascinating bohemian}, continues to lure artists and audiences alike since its original appearance in Prosper Merimee’s novella of 1845.


範例一:{Being gloomy} was habitual to her.

範例二:I don’t mind {my neighbors‘ snaking all those noises}.

範例三:{To forgive} is divine.

範例四:There is nothing {to be done}.


範例一:{Such an outlook} and {such a temperament} make for wonderful songs and thrilling stories.

範例二:The Agriculture Department’s mass control program, on the other hand, cost about $3.50 per acre — {the most expensive}, {the most damaging}, and {the least effective program of all}.

範例三:If there is anyone out there {who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible}, {who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time}, {who still questions the power of our democracy}, tonight is your answer. — Barack Obama


範例:Maybe Billy’s got his hands full, or maybe he went below to take a nap, or maybe he simply forgot.

使用鬆散句 (綿延不絕的效果)

範例:A man would like to keep improving, even in his declining years, and surprise himself with some little feat now and then, such as begetting a daughter, as I did recently, a lovely one with bright eyes and long, delicate fingers. I am a guy who in August entered the 55-to-65 age group, which the New York Times recently referred to as “the near elderly” (thanks a lot), and who in December stood in the delivery room and watched her appear, and who now rises from a sound sleep at her siren call, which comes sooner than one expected and is electrifying.

使用掉尾句 (累積張力最後解決的效果)

範例:If we wish to be free — if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending — if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained — {we must fight!}

使用不完整句 (更有力的效果)

範例:According to current projections, Cape Town will run out of water in a matter of months. This coastal paradise of 4 million on the southern tip of South Africa is to become the first modern major city in the world to completely run dry. And even though residents aren’t responsible, the burden of making sure it doesn’t happen rests largely on our ability to cut down on water usage. {Dramatically}.




References: Style & Difference, Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace, 旋元佑英文寫作




Written by Jacky


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