如何適當地 (不) 使用轉承詞 (transition signals) 做轉承 (transition)

18 min readAug 9, 2021


轉承 (transition) 也就是如何從一個想法連接到下一個想法,對於文章的連貫性有著重要的影響。筆者大學的一個英文寫作老師曾說台灣學生的英文寫作很常濫用轉承詞 (transition signals) (*關於轉承詞,許多英文寫作書籍皆有介紹,可參考《Longman Academic Writing Series》),常見的一個例子就是很喜歡用 “and” 來連接句子,但 “and” 其實是語意極為薄弱的轉承詞,其模糊不清的語意難以清楚表達句子間的承接關係。筆者在台灣中學的英文教育與考試中,似乎被教導轉承詞的使用是優秀英文寫作的展現,以表示我會這些轉承詞,且可以表達句子間清晰的邏輯關係,多多益善。然而,在讀了大學與研究所後,才發現在真實的寫作與對英文母語者來說,並非如此。筆者大量閱讀了許多原文寫作書籍與原文文章,發現專業作者轉承詞用的很省 (尤其是副詞的轉承詞),可能好幾個段落才會看到一個轉承詞 (如《Foreign Affairs》,可見 https://bit.ly/39RJYlD ) ,許多英文寫作書籍也都指出須要避免過度使用轉承詞,尤其是副詞的轉承詞,因為簡短的副詞所能表達的意義很有限 (相關說明可參見筆者討論副詞使用的文章),若過度使用可能反而造成反效果,而阻礙文章的進行與讀者的理解。即使筆者已經有了這樣的觀念,在一堂英文寫作課中,美國的教授把筆者寫的文章幾乎所有副詞轉承詞都劃掉,筆者才了解到原來自己轉承詞還是用得太多了,當筆者向教授請教這個問題,教授告訴筆者在一篇短文章中通常很少使用轉承詞,需要間隔夠遠才適合使用,通常會用在較長的文章中要開啟新的段落、新的一節、甚至新的主題的時候,這樣文章會更直接、更強而有力,筆者當時才終於明白英文母語者是如何看待轉承詞的使用。

關於轉承詞的使用,許多英文寫作的文章皆指出當前文與後文邏輯關係不強的時候不適合使用轉承詞做連接,例如 Global warming is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, we need to protect our environment. 這句話使用了 therefore 連接前後二句話,但前後二句卻沒有很強的因果關係,且前面才短短一句就用 therefore 做出了一個結論,這樣並沒有充分的鋪陳與論證就使用 therefore,看似做出了一個結論,卻讓句子顯得空洞。至於適當使用 therefore, thus, however 等轉承詞的例子,從原文的新聞或學術文章到處都可以看到很好的例子,筆者在此不多贅述。

經典英文寫作書籍《Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace》將過度依賴與不適當地使用轉承詞來連接句子,卻沒有達到真正邏輯上順暢連結的現象稱為 “Faked Cohesion” ,請試看書中的一個範例:
(筆者在轉承詞之處用 { } 作標示)

Because the press is the major medium of interaction between the president and the people, how it portrays him influences his popularity. {Therefore}, it should report on the president objectively. Both reporters and the president are human, {however}, subject to error and favoritism. {Also}, people act differently in public than they do in private. {Hence}, to understand a person, it is important to know the whole person, his environment, upbringing, and education. {Indeed}, from the correspondence with his family, we can learn much about Harry S. Truman, our thirty-third president.


我們再來看另一個《Steps to Writing Well》中的範例:

It’s a shame that every high school student isn’t required to take a course in first aid. {For example}, you might need to treat a friend or relative for drowning during a family picnic. Or, {for instance}, someone might break a bone or receive a snakebite on a camping trip. {Also}, you should always know what to do for a common cut or burn. {Moreover}, it’s important to realize when someone is in shock. {However}, very few people take the time to learn the simple rules of first aid. {Thus}, many injured or sick people suffer more than they should. {Therefore}, everyone should take a first aid course in school or at the Red Cross center.



It’s a shame that every high school student isn’t required to take a course in first aid. In our life, we might face emergencies in which people drown, break a bone, or even have a stroke but don’t know how to deal with them, which makes injured or sick people suffer more than they should. Such predicaments justify the needs for students to take a first aid course in school or at the Red Cross center.


轉承詞 (transition signals) ,除了表達簡單的轉承關係外,沒有太多意義。若前後文語意內容本身就含有轉承的意義,過度使用轉承詞會造成累贅、空洞、打斷文意的流暢性與節奏 (副詞若放句首須用逗號隔開)、句型重複而單調、失焦等缺陷,甚至轉承詞可能會掩蓋或削弱內容本身,讀者變成在讀轉承詞而非文章內容本身了,這樣的狀況可能反映出了寫作者想法的貧乏和寫作能力的虛弱不成熟。從另一個角度來說,若過度使用,轉承詞就顯得廉價了,失去了它帶動文章結構大方向的重要地位與力量,讀者若在一篇文章中看多了,可能也開始不覺得它在文章中具有什麼重要的功能與指示。

《Simple & Direct》 中指出好的寫作應該是在句子本身的文意就可以有前後連接與轉承的效果,而不須過度使用轉承詞,寫作者應將文章中的轉承詞減到最少。當中舉出一個例子說明:

In such an atmosphere the Madrid explosion provoked widespread concern. The result was (or In consequence) all Europe burned to emulate it. Vengeance! More blood!



In such an atmosphere there could be only one sequel to the Madrid explosion. All Europe burned to emulate it. Vengeance! More blood!

在這個句子中,”only one sequel” 就已經在讀者的心中暗示了接下來會發生的事,而不須使用轉承詞並承受它的副作用。因此若是在前一句的句中就對下一句的轉承有所指示,讀者心中自然會有接下來的方向與推動力,文意會更加連貫。

所以我們應該在文意中就巧妙地對接下來要講的內容與方向有所轉承和預示。讓我們寫作的每個句子都有向前推進的動力,每個下一句都有其必要性,文章的想法與邏輯環環相扣。你可能會想,這個句子前進的動力總有停止的時候吧?沒錯,就是在這個動力停止的地方之後,才需要用到轉承詞。當我們使用前述的方法努力地連貫文章內容的句意,才可以讓轉承詞變少,而因為少也才更有力量。然而,寫作者過多進入干涉文章的內容或過度使用轉承詞反而會阻礙文意的流暢,像是 “I propose in this paper to show… I have now demonstrated… Next, my object will be…” 這些轉承關係從文意中就可以看得出來,寫作者不須要跳出來特別說明指示,反而會打擾文章文意的進行與讀者的專注,也可能讓讀者搞混敘事的角度。這些後設論述(Meta-discourse)適合用在正式的科學報告、教科書、使用說明、表達論點等須要清楚表達內容而非重視文章流暢性之處,但若用在沒有那麼正式的文章中,許多讀者讀到這樣寫法常常會感到枯燥或是像是在說教而失去興趣。

〈Toward a Holistic Look at Flow〉一文也指出:”Presumably, for an essay to be truly smooth, it should achieve not only a “flow of sentences” but also a “flow of thoughts.”” 當中的 “flow of sentences” 可以說是 “outer flow”,為文句形式上的連貫,而 “flow of thoughts” 則可以說是 “inner flow”,為文章內容意義的連貫,在文章的結構、內容、邏輯都須有良好的發展與連結,想法概念之間的邏輯關係說明清楚,給出充足的資訊,將讀者理解一篇文章的進行所須要的資訊一步一步有條理地說明清楚。一篇流暢的文章同時須要達成形式上的連貫與內容上的連貫,但內容的連貫應優先於形式上的連貫,比起使用轉承詞作連接,更應重視內容本身的結構、語義、邏輯與功能性的連貫,因為內容才是一篇文章的本質。

而要將文字的結構順序、邏輯關係表達地自然、清楚,知名學術英文寫作書籍《Academic Writing for Graduate Students》指出一個基本的原則是「從舊資訊到新資訊」(old-to-new information flow),筆者在此列出當中的一個範例:

Research has shown that caffeine does indeed reduce sleepiness and can lead to better academic performance since students can spend more time studying. Despite its effectiveness in counteracting sleepiness, caffeine can have a negative impact on subsequent sleep, which for many students may already be compromised. Specifically, caffeinated beverages consumed near bedtime at night can prolong sleep onset and reduce sleep efficiency and depth, thus affecting both sleep quality and duration. Most of the research on how caffeine affects sleepiness/ alertness has focused on coffee or no-dozen pills. However, a new kind of caffeinated drink has become increasingly popular, namely functional energy drinks (FEDs). FEDs are marketed as products that can improve both mental and physical performance. In addition to containing caffeine, FEDs have other active ingredients such as taurine, glucose, and glucuronolactone. Exactly how these ingredients together affect alertness remains unclear.

這段連貫性極佳的文字中,使用「由舊資訊到新資訊」的方式來連接每個想法概念,且整段文字不時地重複主題相關概念,以不同的角度進行進一步的論述,讓主題很清楚明確地呈現與進行。在技巧上則搭配重複關鍵詞 (或同義詞、相關字詞、詞性變化)、指涉代名詞、 this + noun、轉承詞等來達到文章的連貫與流暢。從以上範例我們可以看到轉承詞只是 cohesion 的其中一個方法而已,這整段文字只用到了 “However” 一個副詞轉承詞,且是在前後文內容意義較難連結的狀況下才使用。因此我們可以了解到,寫作時應先以內容意義的連貫為主,若真的內容上跳得比較大、難以連接、直接進入接下來內容會很突兀,或考慮到前後文的語意關係讀者可能不容易理解,中間又想不到其他過度句子時,再斟酌使用轉承詞來釐清。(若可以用句子說明清楚則也無須用轉承詞)。


不論在各個學科與場合的寫作,實際的狀況與背景通常是很複雜的,並不是簡單的轉承詞就能將前後文的關係說明清楚。副詞的轉承詞僅能表達簡單的轉承意義,不若使用句子敘述來得明確詳盡,若使用較長的句子作轉承,更可以完整連貫地說明內容意義的發展連接與邏輯關係。如《Longman Academic Writing Series》當中的一個範例:

Although I am an applied chemistry major, what I have learned as an undergraduate can be applied in many ways to law. Because I have a strong technical background, I have been trained extensively in solving problems both alone and in teams. For instance, Harvey Mudd’s unique engineering clinic program allowed me to work on a team of five students to develop a project plan for General Electric Nuclear Energy.
____________. Because Harvey Mudd balances its technical program with an equally strong emphasis on the humanities, I am not only leaving Mudd with a great education in chemistry but I am leaving Mudd as a technically educated student who is skilled in writing and communication.


第一段文字敘述著作者在應用化學專業領域的訓練,第二段則提到作者除了科學專業領域之外也重視著人文方面的發展。這二段之間的關係許多人常會用一個副詞來作轉承,如 “In addition, Moreover, What’s more…” 等表達「此外」意義的轉承詞,但若在空格處用句子來轉承,如 “The scientific training didn’t overshadow my desire for humanity but brought it out in a well-rounded education.” 則更可以「從舊資訊連結到新資訊」的方式,清楚地連接前後文。

而以句子作轉承的一個常見寫法是「以評論作轉承」,也就是對於前述的內容作一個評論,使用這個評論轉承過渡到下一個內容。例如我們若要寫一篇談雙語教育的文章,我們可以先談雙語教育的優點,接著對前述的內容做一個評論 “Although bilingual education is very good in many ways, it also receives many criticisms”,接著轉而談雙語教育的缺點,這段文字中間使用一句評論從談論優點轉向談論缺點。我們接下來來看《Foreign Affairs》是怎麼使用這樣的方法 (筆者將使用評論作轉承的文字以 { } 作標示):

In a dramatic move for global efforts to combat climate change, the European Union last week laid out an ambitious proposal to transition away from fossil fuels. Brussels’ announcement marks the latest step in a rapidly accelerating green revolution. Driven by a stunning reduction in the cost of renewable energy systems and an unprecedented drive for carbon neutrality, the world finally has a real chance to tackle climate change. {But even though decarbonization is essential to humanity’s survival, the transition will have profound economic effects — as the EU proposal acknowledges. Although it will be a net benefit for the world, the transformation will create winners and losers.} Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy will inevitably displace long-established industries, cost millions of workers their jobs, and disrupt communities that rely on the coal, oil, and natural gas industries. (Simone Tagliapietra,2021)

這段文字先說明到歐洲最近的綠色革命 (減碳、使用再生能源) 可以處理氣候變遷的問題,中間對這個方法做出評論,指出雖然這個轉變對世界整體來說是好的,卻可能造成一些問題,接著就指出了依賴石油的產業將面臨失業等問題。

最後,筆者簡單列出知名英文寫作書籍《Steps to Writing Well》當中提出的提升文章連貫性的一些方法供參考:

1. A natural or easily recognized order

2. Transitional words and phrases

3. Repetition of keywords

4. Substitution of pronouns for key nouns

5. Parallelism

本文主要的目的是討論過度使用轉承詞的問題,提醒學習者留意此一問題並提供一些觀念與方法來處理這個問題,幫助學習者更好的轉承文章並提高文章的連貫性。其他有關如何提升文章連貫性的方法,許多寫作書籍當中皆有詳細的說明,甚至有討論 “cohesion” 的專書如《Cohesion in English》,讀者若有興趣進一步了解可以找資料自行閱讀,之後若有機會筆者再寫文章進一步討論 cohesion。



參考資料:《Longman Academic Writing Series》、《Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace》、《Steps to Writing Well》、《Academic Writing for Graduate Students》、《Simple & Direct》、〈Toward a Holistic Look at Flow〉




Written by Jacky
